Career as a Disc Jockey

By | October 8, 2020
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Disc Jockey

This is an upcoming field with more and more socializing. One can earn money by playing music. Initially this career was disrespected and no one even imagined that one could make money by playing music. To take up this career one has to passionate about music. A good DJ is the one who makes the crowd dance to his tunes without annoying the crowd. As a DJ you can earn well and also get appreciations for your work when people can’t stop dancing to your tunes.

Disc Jockey

It is the DJ who makes the crowd jump with excitement at parties and discotheques. They are also hired at private parties, weddings, birthday parties, etc. to keep the crowd engaged.

Key to Success

To be successful in Disc Jockeying you should have/ develop:

  • A flair and in-depth knowledge of music
  • Good sense of rhythm
  • Creativity

Scope and Opportunities

Off late this profession is highly in demand. It is the demand of time that has made this career so important. There are number of opportunities in this field with the constant growth in the music and entertainment industry. Only if you build a reputation and name initially surviving in this field becomes easy.

Lifestyle & Social Status

  • Entertain the crowd
  • Work for long hours especially at night
  • Continuously surrounded by music
  • Well known Personalities in   -      DJ Praveen Nair

- DJ Aqeel

- DJ Tiesto

Job Profile

Disc jockeys

  • Play the music suitable to the occasion
  • Mixing of music
  • Inventing new ways of entertaining the crowds
  • Keep the crow on the high
  • Understand the mood of the audience
  • Create the ambiance

Skill Sets

  • Communication Skills
  • Technical Skills – making use of the requisite software or other instruments
  • Techniques of combining and merging different soundtracks
  • Management Skills

Work Value

  • Flexible
  • Satisfaction
  • Achievement
  • Working for Passion

Current Job Scenario

A disc jockey charges on per night basis in private parties, depending upon the size, venue, and nature of the party. He /She can earn anywhere between Rs. 5000 and Rs. 8000 per session. However, the earnings can vary on the basis of the popularity and reputation of a particular DJ.

Top Recruiters

  • Radio stations
  • Discotheque
  • Night clubs
  • Event Planners –for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events

Course Synopsis

Course Options Splinters DJ Course Advanced DJ on CD Players Long Term
Academic Eligibility No educational criteria No educational criteria
Fees Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 40,000 Per Annum Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 40,000 Per Annum
Expenditure in Metro and Tier-1 Rs. 2lakhs to Rs. 2.5 Lakhs Rs. 2lakhs to Rs. 2.5 Lakhs
Expenditure in Tier-2 Rs. 1.25lakhs to Rs. 1.75lakhs Rs. 1.25lakhs to Rs. 1.75lakhs
Duration 2 Months 2 Months
Mode Part Time Part Time
Entrance Exam    
Education Loan    

Career Prospect

  1. Video jockey
  2. Radio jockey
  3. Disc jockey

Entrance Exam

  • Not Available

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