Now a day’s lot many bright students are looking for some good options apart from conventional medical or engineering. The reasons are many, I do not want to go in to the rate race, everybody aspires to be a doctor or an engineer I want to do something different, I like biology and chemistry too but I don’t want to become a doctor there is no family or personal life for doctor etc. If you happen to be one of them who like biology and chemistry too then here’s a very good emerging career option in India for you, Career in forensic science. It’s a off beat career option.
What is it?
In simple word Forensic science is the application of science to the law. Wherever and whenever there is crime the need for forensic scientists becomes arise.
They are involved in the search and examination of physical traces which might be useful for establishing or excluding an association between someone suspected of committing a crime and the scene of the crime or victim.
What they do?
Collect and study blood and other body fluids, hairs, textile fibers from clothing, materials used in building such as paint and glass, footwear, tool and tyre marks, flammable substances used to start fires etc. They may be required to visit the crime scene to advise about likely sequence of events, any indicators as to who the person responsible for might be, and to join in the initial search for evidence. Other forensic scientists analyse suspected drugs of abuse, specimens from people thought to have taken them or to have been driving after drinking too much alcohol, or to have been poisoned. You can also specialise in firearms, explosives, or documents whose authenticity is questioned.
Career opportunities
The majority of forensic scientists are employed by police department. Another option, there are number of other organisations like insurance companies which focus on specific areas of forensic science such as fire investigation, accidents and authenticity of documents.
Govt. Sector Jobs: Central Govt. Forensic Sciences Labs, State FSL’s, GEQD, Police Department, Crime Branches, CBI, CID, Regional Forensic Science Laboratories, Intelligence Bureau, Banks, Defense / Army, Courts, Quality Control Bureau, Narcotics Dept, Universities, Hospitals, Organizations etc…
Private Sector Jobs: Private Detective Agencies, Private Banks, Insurance Companies, Universities, Private Hospitals, Security Services Agencies, Helpful to Lawyers / Advocates, Law Firms, Private Companies, Own Private Practice etc…
Job Titles / Posts: Forensic Expert, Forensic Scientist, Forensic Investigator, Crime Scene Investigator, Handwriting Expert, Document Expert, Document Examiner, Fraud Examiner, Forensic Analyst, Scientific Officer, Security Expert, Forensic Consultant, Detective, Investigating Officer, Teacher / Professor, Crime Reporter, Forensic Engineer, Forensic Psychologist, Fingerprint Expert, Law Consultant, Government Examiner, Instructor, Genetics Experts, Environment Analyst, Technicians, Forensic Medical Examiners, Technician etc…
How to become a forensic scientist
Academic requirements
A 12th standard with biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics will be a good start. If you miss at graduation level but are still interested to build your career in this area you can opt for Post graduation in forensic science provided you have opted degree in either biology or chemistry.
Some of the institutes providing forensic science courses in India
- Government Institute of Forensic Science at Mumbai & Aurangabad – B. Sc. Forensic Science
- LNJN National Institute of Criminology & Forensic Science, Delhi – M.Sc. Forensic Science
(Reference – http://www.forensic-science-society.org.uk/Careers and http://www.forensiceducation.co.in/course.benefits.html)