Career, Scope and Opportunities in Doctor

By | October 10, 2020
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Medicine is the applied science that encompasses diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Clearly, it is one of the most sorted out and rewarding career for those interested in medical science. Over the centuries, the field of medical studies have undergone various stages of development, it has become so vast that specializations within are increasing day by day. There is great scope for medicine as a professional career. 


Key to Success

To be successful in Medicine you should have/ develop:

  • Good memory and recollection ability
  • Service mentality
  • Power of concentration
  • Emotional stability

Scope and Opportunities

The demand for medical professionals has never gone off the track. It seems, as they are always in demand, nationally and internationally. At the same time specialty hospitals are increasing both within the country and abroad offering employment opportunities.

Lifestyle & Social Status

  • A doctor’s profession involves a lot of hard work and at the same time, it gives the satisfaction of curing patients at times even saving lives. It is a very demanding profession. To be in this profession is more a responsibility than a privilege. It is more of what you can give the community than what you can get from it.

Job Profile

Some of the common areas of specialisation in Medicine are:

After a basic degree of MBBS one is called General Practitioner or Physician: He diagnosis and treats the every day and basic ailments.

General Surgeon: Is one who specializes in surgery for all organs of the body. He can further super specialize in specific areas. Duties involve examining the patient to determine the extent and nature of injury, treatment through operation and giving post operative care.

Anesthetist or Anesthesiologists: Administers anesthetics to a patient undergoing surgical operation according to the nature of operation. It is he who makes the surgical procedure as painless as possible.  He/she has huge responsibility and has to be present throughout the operation.

Psychiatrist: Diagnoses and treats mental disorders. Psychiatry has two major branches: The first is psychotherapy, the application of psychological techniques to the treatment of mental illnesses. This branch uses non-drug therapies and will not use physical techniques such as drugs. The second branch is psychiatry, where medical therapies are used. After diagnosing physical and behavioral symptoms, drugs and other means may be used for treatment.

Pediatrician: Treats newborn babies and children upto 14 years of age.

Ophthalmologist or Eye Specialist: Treats and operates diseases and disorders of eyes.

Pathologist: Investigate the cause of various diseases and the possibilities for their prevention. His duties involve conducting chemical, microscopic and bacteriological test in labs and examining blood, tissues, urine etc. to find out the cause for disease.

Gynecologist-Obstetrician: Diagnosis and treats diseases and disorders of human female reproduction system. They take care of women’s pregnancy from conception through delivery.

Dermatologist: One who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin problems.

Orthopedic Surgeon: Deals with diseases of skeletal system. Orthopedics is that branch of medicine that deals with the correction of deformities and prevention of disorders in joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, all bones and bony tissue.

Radiologist: Diagnosis diseases and disorders by studying X-ray pictures of affected parts and gives treatment such as therapeutic radiation to affected parts of the body.

ENT specialist: Treats disorders of ear, nose and throat

Bacteriologist: Also called Microbiologist. Conducts research and laboratory experiments on occurrence, growth, development, control and utilization of bacteria and other micro-organisms.

Physiologist: Studies normal functioning of different organs and tissues of human body and investigates effects of physical environments such as variations in altitude, speed, temperature etc on its vital functions.

Skill Sets

  • Logical  skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • Ability to take timely decisions

Work Value

  • Responsibility
  • Flexible
  • Learning throughout their career
  • Patience

Current Job Scenario

Earnings through this field aren’t limited. A well qualified doctor can work both the ways, either independently or working with hospitals. The earnings of a doctor through private practice depend on popularity too. The doctors who are working in government hospitals are well paid. The pay varies for those working with private hospitals. It may vary from Rs 15,000 onwards depending on the qualification.

Top Recruiters

  • Government or corporate hospitals
  • Nursing homes/clinics/health departments
  • Medical services of the army, navy and air force, under the Ministry of Defense
  • Charitable hospitals
  • Medical colleges and training institutes as teachers
  • Research institutes
  • Industrial sector
  • Private practice/ self employment

Course Synopsis 

Course Options MBBS

Academic Eligibility

Qualification required for entrance is 10+2 or equivalent with Science subjects. Selection for MBBS is through an All India Entrance Examination.
Fees Rs. 5 lakh to 6 lakh
Expenditure in Metro and Tier-1 Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 2.5 lakhs
Expenditure in Tier-2 Rs. 1.75 lakhs to Rs. 2 lakhs


51/2 years including Internship.



Entrance Exam




Education Loan




Career Prospect

  1. Senior resident doctor
  2. Medical officer
  3. Research assistant
  4. Junior research
  5. Assistant professor

Entrance Exam

  • NEET – National Level Entrance exam for Medical and Paramedical courses

Other Entrance Exams you can check

    • AIIMS
    • JIPMER (UG)
    • AFMC

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