Category Archives: Career Wisdom

Career, Scope and Opportunities in Meteorology

By | October 10, 2020

Meteorology The science that studies and deals about the phenomena of the layers of the atmosphere, especially weather, climate and weather related trends and diverse conditions is purely known as Meteorology. Experts of this field are called as Meteorologists. They can ably forecast the weather rely on thousands of weather stations located around the world,… Read More »

Career, Scope and Opportunities in Doctor

By | October 10, 2020

Doctor Medicine is the applied science that encompasses diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Clearly, it is one of the most sorted out and rewarding career for those interested in medical science. Over the centuries, the field of medical studies have undergone various stages of development, it has become so vast that specializations within are… Read More »

Career in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT)

By | October 10, 2020

Career in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) It is necessary that diagnoses undergo associated tests for confirmation. That test helps and ease doctors work and provide them accurate details which are required to deal with that particular disease or disorder. Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) sometimes is also popular as a ‘Clinical Laboratory Science’. It is a… Read More »

Career, Scope and Opportunities in Mathematics

By | October 10, 2020

Mathematics If one has natural inclination about numbers and its puzzles, then you’re probably also starting to think about the kind of careers mathematicians go on to. The short answer is: everything from computer programming to accountancy, and biomedical research to business management. Mathematics is as old as the civilization and is one of the most useful… Read More »

Career, Scope and Opportunities in Marine Science

By | October 10, 2020

Marine Science Marine science is a gateway for all forms of general oceanography, physical oceanography (tides, waves, etc.), chemical oceanography (sea salts, properties of water, etc.), geological oceanography (mid ocean ridges, sea floors, hydrothermal vents, and other geologic things), and engineering (underwater technology.) Also, biological oceanography is kind of like ocean ecology. The field of… Read More »