Preparing for Board Exams is like preparing or any other ordinary class test. If students have been paying attention to the topics taught in class cracking the ICSE examinations would be easier. Therefore it is essential that students treat the board exams like an ordinary exam. This will assist in the students in their exam preparation. If you are seeking quick tips that can help you perform well and excel then you have come to the right place. Here are a few useful tips that can help you in your preparation for the exam.
Tip1. Health Matters: for your brain to function at its optimum level it is absolutely necessary for one to eat a nutritious diet, exercising the entire body especially in the morning and sleep sufficiently. By exercising the body even your mind is exercised. Apart from this getting enough of sleep is important because just as your body requires rest so also your mind requires rest to be able to function effectively. All these aspects affect your attention span and play a vital role in your ability to learn new information.
Tip 2. Refer and Solve previous years question papers: to get an idea about the paper and the type of questions asked you need to not only refer to previous years question papers but also solve them. This activity will help you to identify which topics or chapters are important and the distribution of marks for the important topics will also be highlighted nonetheless. Solving question papers with an examination setting will increase the speed of answering the questions. Remember that the more papers you solve the better prepared you will be for the exam.
Tip 3. Get your Basics Right: Make sure your basics are strong and ensure that you get all you queries clarified as without either your chances to score well are slim. Remember that most teachers prefer if students ask questions as this lets them know that the student understands what is being taught in class. If your basics are clear solving those dreadful problems will be fun and easy to resolve and you just might enjoy solving problems.
Tip 4. Practice: for subjects that require Arithmetic calculations like Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics and Chemistry the best way to prepare is to practice, practice and then practice some more. But before you solve question papers it is preferable to finish and master the problems given in the text book as well as the solved examples, self study books and the sample papers in the self study along with the solved examples, class problems and problems given in tuitions too. Once you have completed all these exercises then you can proceed to solving the problems in the question papers. Therefore, “practice as if you are the worst, but perform as if you are the best !”
Tip 5. Time Management: students need to use the time given to prepare for the examinations effectively if they wish to score well. If students are prepared before hand for the examinations the exam usually goes well and the chances for students to score well also increases.
Tip 6. Know which topics to learn when: don’t learn a new topic just before the exam or spend time on subjects that are difficult, instead revise what you have already done and perfect these topics.
Tip 7. Prepare Drawings or Diagrams and Label them: if possible prepare drawings that highlight the main points discussed in the topic. You can either list the points down or form a hierarchy based on the important points. For topics that discuss a process of things students can either create a diagram that shows the different processes if there isn’t one or it is preferable to refer to the diagrams that are there in the text itself. Students can also use flow charts to highlight the various processes involved. Ensure that you learn these diagrams as a simple picture can give a fair explanation of the topic and it helps in remembering topics better. When learning diagrams ensure that you learn their names as students are required to label the diagrams in the examination. This works best for subjects that have diagrams to be remembered such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geography.
Tip 8. Prepare Charts: for subjects like Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics and Chemistry that have formulas or chemical compositions to remember preparing charts is the best way to remember such material. Students can also ask their professors to give them the chemical composition charts. But if one wishes to remember formulas the best way is to practice as many problems as they can that require the use of these formulas. This will help students to remember the formulas better.
Tip 9. Subject Wise:
Physics: this paper has 3 major sections namely Modern Physics, Optics Marks and Electricity Marks. The topics that come under Diagrams and Derivatives are challenging therefore pay more attention to these topics. In Diagrams the circuit diagrams are important so these topics too need to be prepared well. Apart from these even applied numericals are important topics and are easier too. Also questions that are based on laboratory experiments are important so also are their circuit diagrams thus ensure that you learn these circuit diagrams. Learn the formulas well by practicing problems that require the use of these formulas.
Biology: ensure that you learn your diagrams along with their labels because they comprise of a good percentage of the marks. Additionally students need to draw their diagrams neatly along with their labels to attain good marks.
Mathematics: to minimize the silly mistakes that most students tend to make it is imperative that you read the question paper very carefully. Students should try and come up with short cuts in order to complete the paper. Ensure that you are clear about the formulas and remember them.
Chemistry: make sure that your basics are good and ensure that you learn the chemical compositions chart properly. You never know when this information will come in handy. Physical Chemistry Numericals is an important topic therefore, ensure that you prepare it well. Students can refer to the NCERT Books and prepare the syllabus thoroughly from these books.
Following these simple tips will boost your performance and help you to excel in the examination because you have prepared well for the examination. So, “practice as if you are the worst but perform as if you are the best”.
Do you have any tips on how to write the examination? It will be very helpful.
Hi Saykarishere,
Yes we do, so you can visit our section on Study and Exam tips and you will find what you are looking for. For further queries you can post them and I will get back to you.
Plz help me
Can you give me tips on how to write the examination?
Hi Veer,
Yes, you can visit our section on study and examination tips for information about writing the examination. But also speak to your teacher for tips on writing the examination as she will be able ot help you better.
Do you know how the examination papers are corrected?
Hi Kedar,
I’m glad that you asked this question. You can visit our section on Study and Exam Tips has an article that gives the information i.e. http://blog.careerfutura.com/why-do-students-fail-in-exams/. You can also ask your professor for some guidelines on the same.
Do you have any tips on writing the examinations?
Hi Mayur,
You can visit our section on Study and Exam tips or you can even refer to these links for the same http://blog.careerfutura.com/board-exam-tips/ and http://blog.careerfutura.com/why-do-students-fail-in-exams/
Should I take a coaching for the preparation of 10th board? Will it be good and benificial for me to to spend 2-3 hours in coaching for 10th board preparation?
Hi Pragya,
It is always beneficial to take the help of coaching. Prior to this if you are able to understand what are your study habits & abilities. For that it’ll be beneficial to take our 10th std. test.
Is it important to join coaching classes for 10th ICSE. Or can we study on our own.I am a average student.
How many hours should i study everyday to crack the ICSE board exam
I have exactly 3 months to study for my board exams(december ,january and february)but for the revision before my board exams .we have a sort of preboard examination in january (a whole month is wasted).and it is not compulsory to give them. Should i go for it or leave them and study at home.