Fine Art as a profession requires a great deal of creativity and innovative ideas. It qualifies as a branch of the arts field that we are all so familiar with. But little do we know about this booming field. To be able to pick this as a career there are a few things that one needs to go over such as what skills are required, what information one should have and most importantly what the job profile is like. There have been instances where not having enough of information has affected the decision about careers whether positive or negative is dependent upon the individual alone. Depending upon these decisions the success of the individual is also affected.
To make an important decision for a career in Fine Arts you need to gather information at a much deeper level apart from a general level. In due course of time we will be exploring these areas at a much deeper level. We will be addressing points that are usually overlooked by both parents and children when deciding on a career in Fine Arts, so be updated.
Skills required:
Being creative and innovative are not the only skills, some other skills are active learning, active listening, judgment and decision making, critical thinking (looking for strengths and weakness, coming up with alternative solutions, conclusions and different approaches to a problem), complex problem solving (developing and evaluating complex problems), social perceptiveness (aware of the reactions of people and the reasons for them), monitoring, speaking (communication skills), operations analysis (analyzing the needs and the product requirements), time management, persuasion, reading comprehension, coordination, writing, service orientation (coming up with ways to assist people), management of financial resources (knowing how to manage money) and management of material resources (monitoring the proper use of equipment, facilities and the materials).
Apart from these skills even having a fair idea about the different aspects that are involved to be successful is important. Of these, information about fine arts, design, customer and personal service, sales and marketing, a good command over the English language, production and processing, administration and management, mathematics, mechanical, computers and electronics, communications and media, economics and accounting, clerical education and training and psychology (people) are also important. Since most of these professions involve sole proprietorship in-debt knowledge about the other aspects involved is important as well.
There are other skills that can be termed as on the job skills which requires one to give attention to details, independence, innovation, dependability, achievement, integrity, persistence, initiative, corporation, adaptability, analytical thinking, stress tolerance, self control, leadership, concern for others and social orientation (working with others rather than alone).
Although these points seem tiresome and overwhelming having enough information about the various processes involved to make your career a success is a wise decision. Now does it sound unimportant, well it doesn’t? Having as much information about a chosen career doesn’t hurt. We will be going into further details in consecutive articles. It is said, “The biggest mistake that one can make, is not having enough information”. “So put in that extra effort, though it may take a while, be assured that the decision made is right”.