11 Best Tips to Improve Your Imagination and Creativity

By | September 21, 2013
Tips to Improve Imagination and Creativity
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Have you often wondered whether you can improve your imagination and creativity skills? Do you often run out of innovative ideas? Are you bored with the same old ideas time and again? Are you tired of searching for new ideas?

These are common problems faced not by artists alone but by most individuals in today’s day and age. Most individuals are preoccupied by work that they tend to fall short of ideas due to the minimum time devoted in developing such abilities. Artists on the other hand tend to run out of ideas at some point in time which is referred to as an ‘artist’s block’. After careful analysis it was found that both imagination and creativity are two sides of the same coin mainly because imagination results in creativity. Of the various things that I have tried in the past these were the ones that worked best. Know the 11 best tips to improve your imagination and creativity.11 Best Tips to Improve Your Imagination and Creativity

Tip 1 Reading:

Reading fiction and adventure novels have helped a great deal. Since they take you to a different world altogether, you get exposed to different possibilities and a different mindset is instilled. Another tip that has been effective is by letting your mind visualize the descriptions given while reading.

Tip 2 Creative people:

Spending time with creative people has helped because you are constantly surrounded by creativity. Even though it may seem unrealistic, some of that creativity tends to rub onto you in one way or another. The creative atmosphere helps you to come up with creative ideas of your own, therefore it is important to spend time with people who share the same interests as yours.

Tip 3 Be curious:

Develop a learning attitude this will spark creativity and increase ones imagination. Ask questions like “What if?” and “Why not?” these questions generally get you thinking of the various possibilities. It is important for one to keep learning and keep experiencing new things because it gives way to developing newer ideas.

Tip 4 Don’t be afraid to try new things:

Well known personalities are those that aren’t afraid of trying new things. It is therefore important for people to move beyond their comfort zone by taking on new challenges. Challenging oneself to experience new things or to embark on new adventures and endeavors is therefore effective.

Tip 5 Look at things differently:

If you are bored of coming up with same ideas then it is preferable that you change your perspective of looking at things By approaching things differently it will give rise to fresh ideas.

Tip 6 Develop talents:

Each one has a set of talents or skills; therefore developing these skills is important. Engage yourself in things that you do best in.

Tip 7 Expand your interests:

Cultivate the habit of exploring other areas that you think you may be passionate about. This will give rise to new ideas.

Tip 8 Explore different topics:

This is important because people tend to restrict themselves to topics they are familiar with resulting in similar ideas. Exploring different topics gives one an insight in to other unexplored areas that you may not have thought of.

Tip 9 Tell Stories:

Often narrating things tends to give rise to other aspects that you may not have thought of as this activity frees your mind to other possibilities.

Tip 10. Relax:

With constant activity sometimes just resting your mind will allow you to come up with creative ideas. Therefore conditioning your mind to rest is all the more important.

Tip 11. Listen to someone else’s prospective:

When conversing with a friend pay attention to their prospective of things as you a bound to come across things that you have not thought off. This will enable you to get more ideas.

By following these simple tips you are bound to come across fresh ideas and thus improve your imagination and creativity skills.

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