Most parents have trouble with trying to prevent their child from distractios such as I-pods, Smart phones, Tablets, Ebooks, video games, Play stations, Social Networking Sites, Televisions so on and so forth. While you try to ristrict your children from such distractions your attempts haven’t seen results. Then may be its time to try other alternatives. Some of the things that parents can do from therin end are ensure that there is a quiet place in the house for the child to study, keep technology related distraction away from their child, set limits, monitor their internet time , make suprise visits and keep tabs on their child, avoid the habit of all nighters, ensure that they take breaks at regular intervals and encourage them to exercise, sleep enough and eat properly.
1. Study Room: as a parent the least you can do for your child is to provide him / her with a room or a place that has limited distractions. Ensure that the study room is decorated accordingly if your child is going to be studying there. The room should be painted in colours that reflect light as against absorbing light. Make sure there is enough of ventilation, proper lighting in the room and is free from unwanted sound or noise.
2. Cell Phones: ensure that your child keeps their cell phone out of reach and instruct them to inform their friends not to disturb them while they are studying or ask them to switch it off instead.
3. Television distractions: make sure that there isn’t a television in your childs room as this is another distraction. If the television is in the hall and someone is watching while your child studies this can also distract your child due to the loud noise. But if no one is watching the television switch it off. Try not to watch anything if your child is studying in the next room.
4. Keep Tablets, I-Pods, Ebooks and Video Games away: ensure that you keep all these things away from your child and the study room while they are studying.
5. Set Limits: it is important that you limit the time spent for both Television Programs and Social Networking sites because these are more of a distraction to your kids. Give them a choice between the two. Tell them that they have an hour to either watch a program or spend on social networking sites and that they cannot have both.
6. Monitor your Child’s Internet surfing: most students like to look for ways to improve their memorizing power or seek easier ways to learn a topic at such times the internet is sometimes the best source and is fast so keeping your child away from it isn’t an alternative. Hence, give them a couple of hours to look for what they want but after that ensure that they get back to study.
7. Surprise Visits to the Study Room: at regular intervals check with them to see if they are studying or wasting time, when preparing a meal visit their study room with treats because they need to eat and chat a little to relax them and return back to work.
8. Keep Tabs on your Child: ask them at meal times about the amount of portion they have covered, find out if they ae having any difficulty in a particular subject as this tends to distract them also. If yes ask if you can help out in any way or find out the topics that they are finding tough.
9. Identify your Child’s Learning Style: it is essential for parents to identify their child’s learning style because children are bound to memorise the matter well if they are able to understand the topic and have the assurance that they will remember it. This also affects the performance and distractions.
10. Use Mnemonics: children can use memory improvement techniques to help them remember the points or the matter discussed under the topic. These are techniques that involve all the senses and forming associations to remember the matter well.
11. Use all Senses: several studies have found that making use of all the 5 senses while studying ensures that the matter is studied and learnt well so it is essential for children to make use of all their senses when studying.
12. Avoid All Nighters: when children decide to pull an all nighter it is preferable that they do not because it is the time the body is supposed to rest so chances of drowsiness and distractions are high. Besides just like the mind need to rest so does the body.
13. Encourage your Child to Exercise, eat well and sleep on time: studies indicate that exercise helps the body and the mind to relax thus it helps in memorising topics easily as it is fresh. Make sure that they eat a balanced diet and sleep on time instead of odd hours as all these factore have an impact on the child’s capacity and distractions.
14. Take breaks: parents should also ensure that their child takes 5 minute breaks after an hour or as the case may because apart from the ones already mentioned even these aspects play a role in their performance and can distract them as no one can study for long hours without taking breaks.
These are some things that can help parents prevent their child from getting distracted easily if followed. For more information you can visit our website www.careerfutura.com.
Identify your Child’s learning style: this will give you an insight into the most effective way in which your child is sure to perform well. Sometimes, the learning styles followed may be ineffective if that is not the way your child learns leading to distractions.
Learning Style followed: once you have identified your child’ s learning style look for ways that will help your child to learn better and accordingly the distraction of your child will reduce because the method that they use to study helps them memorise the topic well.
Use Mnemonics: sometimes studying can get boring at times like these using fun ways to learn can help in remembering the topic well. Mnemonics are memory improving techniques that involve the use of all the five senses and associations. When all the senses are used while studying it automatically prevents your child from getting distracted.
Study Groups: some children study better in groups so if they wish to go for a study group let them. If your child wishes to have a study group over welcome the idea but make sure that they are here to study and not to waste time. Studying together is a fun way to learn a topic thet is boring or difficult to understand.