There are a few guidelines that students can follow in an attempt to answer the examinations well to attain good results. These general guidelines will help even an average student to do well if they make an honest effort to follow them. These guidelines can be divided into 2 categories namely Before the Examination and In the Examination Hall.
Before the Examination:
Tip 1. Prepare a Check List: students should prepare a checklist of all the stationary and the documents they may require for the exam before leaving the house. Once the items have been placed in the bag this same list should be rechecked before entering the Examination Hall.
Tip 2. Revise topics: students should revise only those topics that they have already studied instead of attempting to learn new material as this affects their performance in the examination.
Tip 3. Pay Attention: if students are able to revise while paying attention to the topics that their classmates or friends are revising before the examination it will help students to score well because there have been times when these same topics have come in the examination.
Tip 4. Stay Calm: students should ensure that they don’t panic before the examination instead they should remain calm. Panicking will do no one any good but will render them victims to bad results. To stay calm they should breathe easy and close their eyes for about 5 minutes, this will assist their performance in the examination.
In the Examination Hall:
Tip 1. Keep your Stationary Ready: it’s time to remove your checklist to make sure that you have everything that you need for the examination.
Tip 2. If you have Blanked Out: in a blanking out situation the best thing to do is not to panic but breath and calm down. Then close your eyes and try to remember everything you have studied for about 5 to 10 minutes. If the blanking out is question specific then follow the same procedure but this time try to remember whatever you have studied about the topic. Once you recollect everything then you can start writing.
Tip 3. Read the Question Paper: it is important for students to read the questions carefully before attempting them because many a time’s students answer the questions incorrectly.
Tip 4. Choosing Questions: for subjects like Physics and Chemistry which comprise of both theory as well as numericals it is better to solve questions that have numericals in them rather than answering only theoretical questions as the chances of doing well are higher.
Tip 5. Number your Questions and Answers correctly: in your answer sheet make sure you number the answers according to the attempted question from the question paper.
Tip 6. Stick to the Order of the Questions Asked: it is preferable for students to answer the questions in the order of the questions asked in the question paper because this reduces the examiners work. That is why it is preferable for students to leave space for questions that they aren’t sure off or think they may be able to complete later. Students should realize that they can always come back to the questions that they missed or they were unsure of, at the time.
Tip 7. Avoid Silly Mistakes: students usually make silly mistakes like numbering the questions and the answers incorrectly. At times students haven’t read the questions properly and they realize that the answer they have written is wrong so avoid making silly mistakes resulting in wastage of time.
Tip 8. Draw and Label the Diagrams: it is preferable to draw diagrams for questions as and when applicable. Students should ensure that their diagrams are labeled appropriately. This helps you to recall the information that you have studied and also serves as a blue print to all the points discussed. This activity helps examiners to understand the matter that you plan to cover under the question and also helps students to not miss anything out.
Tip 9. Limit the Answers: ensure that you write answers on the bases of the marks allotted to the questions to minimize the time taken to complete the paper.
Tip 10. Rough Work: Students should be careful to do the rough work if required in the answer sheet on the right hand corner and keep it neat.
Tip 11. Don’t Write on the Question Paper: Remember to refrain from writing anything on the question paper or your marks will be cut on the assumption that you were copying right through the examination. Students can at the very least tick mark the questions that they wish to answer or the completed questions. If you insist on writing something then at the most you can only make a note of the final answers to the problems that you have attempted; especially for papers like Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics and Chemistry.
Students should follow these simple tips as this will help them to perform well. All the best!
thank you for your tips….it works in my exam
thank you so much your tips works in my exam
THANK’S for your tips…that every student have to remember.
They are very helpful..:-)