Another academic year has come to an end with our friends going their separate ways. Soon all of us will be preparing for our desired entrance exams, one such exam is the KMAT. The Karnatak Management Aptitude Test (KMAT)is the most talked about undergraduate management entrance examination that is conducted by the Karnataka Private Postgraduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) for admissions in to Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Computer Applications (MCA) courses in reputed institutes. A decisive test for several management aspirants, the test brings with it the age old excitement as well as a new sense of anxiety as students prepare to face the KMAT.
The KMAT is one of the various management entrances which assess the applicants on 4 parameters namely Language Skills, Mathematical Skills, Basic Aptitude and finally Logical Reasoning, all of which comprise of 40 Questions each. Since the KMAT is the qualifying exam for M.B.A. and M.C.A. aspirants it has separate parameters for each. The M.B.A. aspirants are assessed on 3 parameters comprising of 40 questions each; namely Language Skills, Mathematical Skills and Basic Aptitude. Similarly M.C.A. aspirants are assessed on 3 parameters the first 2 being common; i.e. Language Skills, Mathematical Skills and the third being Logical Reasoning instead of Basic Aptitude.
At times like these, students look for tips that will help them to clear the KMAT, in view of this there are a few tips that can assist students in their preparation. The tips are based on these specific parameters.
Tip 1: Language skills
This section assess the applicants command over the English language hence the grammar and comprehension skills are also assessed. The questions are based on analogies, synonyms and antonyms, match the list, idioms, one word for many, fill in the blanks and identify the various Figures of Speech.
- Grammar: A useful tool to improve your language skills is by referring to Wren & Martin. This book is a perfect guide for improving your grammar, essay writing skills as well as your comprehension skills because it has exercises and examples for each topic. It also comes with a key that you can use to verify if your answers are correct.
- Reading and Comprehension: The Wren & Martin has very good examples for improving your comprehension skills as well. It has sample passages that contain questions on most of the aspects covered in the English section.
- Expose yourself to the language: You can start by making use of the various resources available to you such as the Internet, newspapers, journals, magazines, television, books etc. Most importantly converse with a friend who is good at the language if possible, it is the most effective way to increase your confidence.
- Improve your English: It is absolutely essential for students to make a habit of reading as this is one of the best ways to improve your language skills. Reading English newspapers, listening to English news and writing a few sentences in English will definitely help you in the long run. When you read; it not only helps you to improve your grammar but also increases your vocabulary.
Watch Television in English
Maintain a Note book
Watch English Movies with English Soundtracks and English Subtitles
Maintain a Diary
Read English Newspapers
Keep a Dictionary Beside you at all times
Read English Books
Use a Thesaurus to Improve your Vocabulary
Listen to English music and sing along
Do Not Hesitate
Practice the 4 core skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
Improve your Grammar
- Improve your Vocabulary: When you come across a word that you do not understand make it a point to open a dictionary and a thesaurus therefore ensure that you have a dictionary as well as a thesaurus nearby whenever you read something. In any form either in print, on line or software. Then make sure you -
Note Down the Words or Phrases used with their meanings
Try to use the word in a sentence the same day
Look for the Prefixes (un, in) and Suffixes (al, ion, ness)
Explore the verb, noun, adjective or adverb forms
Find Antonyms and Synonyms with a thesaurus
Pay attention to the pronunciations of words given beside the word
Access an on line dictionary to hear the pronunciation of the word from the speakers
Tip 2: Logical Ability
When a problem is given don’t just solve it try to analyze it for 20 to 30 minutes by asking your W/H questions such as Why, What, When Where and How.
Tip3: Analytical Reasoning & Decision Making
The reasoning section consists of questions based on logical, analytical and critical reasoning therefore they are framed accordingly. So whenever you read a passage don’t forget to put on your thinking cap and ask your W/ H questions as often as possible. Students need to practice difficult reasoning puzzles from mock papers and books on reasoning. Solving puzzles from popular puzzle books available in bookstores will also help. Focus on lengthy puzzles on distribution involving lots of variables. The section on Decision Making can be best practiced by going through the mock XAT papers.
Tip 4: Data Interpretation
This section mainly consists of questions that use bar graphs, line graphs, case lets (data given in the form of paragraphs requires applicants to extract the information provided to establish a relationship between the data given), tables, pie charts or circle graphs etc. to interpret data. Similarly the questions are based on the data that is interpreted, so break up the question and note down the information that is given to you.
Tip 5: Mathematics
The Key to doing well in mathematics is by practicing as much as you can. You need to understand the concepts well, before you start solving problems. Rather than mugging the formulas it is preferable to understand the concepts and get them cleared. If you have a thorough knowledge of the concepts, you will be able to solve any problem that may come your way. It is essential that you are thorough with concepts of force – momentum, calculus and its application, matrices, trigonometry, shares and dividends, properties of logarithms, equation of circle, parabola, ellipse, conditional probability etc. as these types of questions are most likely to come. You need to know the formulas on the tip of your fingers your mental calculations should also be strong so that you can come up with your own short cuts. This is an important skill as you will definitely benefit from it. When practicing, “Practice as if you are the worst; perform as if you are the best.” - Jaspher Kantuna.
Tip 6: Group Discussions
Try to be loud and aggressive in an appropriate manner, if you need to get your point across. If unclear about the topic wait for someone else to begin. Try and summarize the points that have been discussed at regular intervals.
Tip 7: Practice
It is essential that students refer to previous years question papers and rely on mock tests, as this will make them familiar with the paper pattern and will give them an idea about the type of questions asked. Thus, students are better prepared for the examination.
Tip 8: Join Coaching classes: this will ensure that students practice regularly and are better prepared because they can resolve the queries that they might have about a particular topic.
Tip 9: Health Matters: it is important to ensure that you get enough rest, eat a balanced diet and most importantly exercise. It is important that you sleep in time, eat properly and exercise, if you wish to perform well in the examinations because both the body and the mind need to rest to function to its maximum potential.
By following these simple tips cracking the KMAT will be easier to clear. If you are looking for more details about the KMAT Examination you can visit or sister website www.way2k.com.