Preparing for board exams is like preparing for an ordinary exam. No matter which examination it is, preparing for it like an ordinary exam is preferable as it makes the preparation easier. Just like any other examination even for the SSC Board Exam there are tips that can aid students in their preparation.
Tip1. Pay Attention to your Health: for your brain to function at its optimum level it is absolutely necessary for one to eat a nutritious diet, exercising the entire body especially in the morning and sleep sufficiently. By exercising the body even your mind is exercised. Apart from this getting enough of sleep is important because just as your body requires rest so also your mind requires rest to be able to function effectively. All these aspects affect your attention span and play a vital role in your ability to learn new information.
Tip 2. Use Memory improvement techniques such as Mnemonics: several studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of the use or Mnemonics. The findings suggest that using mnemonics while studying helps the information to get registered faster and in a fun way. To learn the effective potential of these memorizing techniques it is preferable to implement them right at the start of term. Nonetheless the use of mnemonics during the preparation for the examination has proved effective in remembering information. Some examples of mnemonics are acronyms, rhymes, acoustic, method of Loci etc. Each mnemonic can aid memorization of different study material hence the types have been derived.
Tip 3. Preparation for Languages: the best way to prepare for languages is by reading material in the different languages. This activity helps to understand passages of comprehension better and also helps students to write essays. For English it is preferable to refer to Wren & Martin. This book is a perfect guide for improving your grammar, essay writing skills as well as your comprehension skills because it has exercises and examples for each topic. It also comes with a key that you can use to verify if your answers are correct. Therefore it is preferable to have a copy of the Wren & Martin along with the key if possible. A word of caution don’t look at the answers directly as you will be cheating yourself and you will not learn anything nor will you improve you command over the language which is essential in today’s day and age.
Tip 4. Refer and Solve previous years question papers: to get an idea about the paper and the type of questions asked you need to not only refer to previous years question papers but also solve them. This activity will help you to identify which topics or chapters are important and the distribution of marks for the important topics will also be highlighted nonetheless. Solving question papers with an examination setting will increase the speed of answering the questions. Remember that the more papers you solve the better prepared you will be for the exam.
Tip 5. Practice: for subjects like that require Arithmetic calculations like Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics and Chemistry the best way to prepare is to practice, practice and then practice some more. But before you solve question papers it is preferable to finish and master the problems given in the text book, self study books and the sample papers in the self study, class problems and problems given in tuition. Once you have completed all these exercises then you can practice solving the problems in the question papers. Make sure your basics are strong and ensure that you get all you queries clarified as without either you chances to score well are slim. Remember that most teachers prefer if students ask questions as this lets them know that the student is understanding what is being taught in class. Therefore, “practice as if you are the worst, but perform as if you are the best”.
Tip 6. Develop a Plan: it is important to allot time to different subjects so that you can study better. Topics that are difficult to comprehend require more time in comparison to topics that are easy to understand. You may have a list of things to do but in order to get all the work done in time, it requires planning. Creating a time table ensures that all the tasks are done and results in more topics being covered in minimum amount of time.
Tip 7. Avoid Procrastination: it is absolutely necessary that you don’t put off tasks that need to be completed, as you will not have done the task well nor would you have learnt anything. Students tend to put off topics due to the difficulty level. But they forget that although these topics seem difficult now; but once understood are easy, more fun and most likely easy to score in too.
Tip 8. Keep Distractions away: if you wish to perform well then it is essential for one to stay away from distractions as this will interrupt your study time and work. Distractions such as spending too much of time on social networking sites and phones should be minimized.
Tip 9. Give Preliminary Examinations: though it may sound as a waste of time, it isn’t as it serves as a mock examination. It tells you where you stand and the amount of preparation that is still required. Remember to start preparing right at the beginning of Term as this will give you enough of time to prepare for the Preliminary examinations thus preparing you for the board examinations.
Tip 10. Study Tips: apart from Mnemonics, students can also make notes or highlight the important points. Students can also prepare drawings or learn diagrams, prepare charts or flow diagrams to help them memorize the matter well.
- Note Making and Note Taking: when a topic is taught in class it is preferable if students listen more rather than make notes as students learn better when the topics is taught, but they can make a note of only the important points.When making notes either students can use stick ons or prepare notes in the text itself. It is preferable to make notes or place stick ons beside the topic studied. After reading a paragraph make a note of all the points discussed.
- Highlighting important Points: some students prefer to underline important points while others prefer to use highlighting markers for the points that seem important to them.
- Prepare Drawings or Diagrams: if possible prepare drawings that highlight the main points discussed in the topic. You can either list the points down or form a hierarchy based on the important points. For topics that discuss a process of things students can either create a diagram that shows the different processes if there isn’t one or it is preferable to refer to the diagrams that are there in the text itself. Students can also use flow charts to highlight the various processes involved. Ensure that you learn these diagrams as a simple picture can give a fair explanation of the topic thus it helps in remembering topics better. This works best for subjects that have diagrams to be remembered such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geography.
Prepare Charts: for subjects like Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics and Chemistry that have formulas or chemical compositions to remember preparing charts is the best way to remember such material. Students can also ask their professors to give them the chemical composition charts. But if one wishes to remember formulas the best way is to practice as many problems as they can that require the use of these formulas. This will help students to remember the formulas better.
Do you have any more tips on exam preparations tips?
Hi Ashish,
If you are looking for more information about exam preparation tips then our section on Study and Exam tips will be of interest.
how to study effectively in the last month
Thanks for these tips, they were alot of help.
Hi Madhur,
Thankyou for your feedback and I’m glad that it was of some help.
Can you give me more information on memory improvement techniques?
Hi Pradnya,
If you are looking for more information about memory improvement techniques then you can visit our seciton on study and exam tips.
These tips were very helpful, I look forward to similar articles.
Hi Ashvini,
Thank you for your feedback and if you have any suggestions please feel free to post them.
These tips are very useful, thanks!
Hi Sunidhi,
Thank you for your feedback and if you have any suggestions please feel free to post them.
I tried these tips and they really worked for me, thanks!
Hi Raut,
Thankyou for your feedback and I’m glad that it helped.
Hi Shivani,
Thank you for your feedback, but if you have any suggestions or queries you can post them and I will get back to you.
Sir, thanks for your tips. But I wanted to know that what to do if I’m not prepared for geometry, science and marathi ? Actually I’m prepared about 80^p from the whole but I’m feeling nervous as I’m appearing for the first time… Can u suggest sOmething about the same ? What shoulD I do so that I do not feel nervous about these things ?
it is very useful
its awsome tips thanks for that …..
thanx for providing this useful tips